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Featured Floor: Jarrah

Jarrah (Eucalyptus Marginata) is one of Australia’s Favourite Hardwoods.

The glorious Jarrah forests of southwest Western Australia are the home of this Australian hardwood and the only place where this famous Eucalypt grows. The trees grow on the iron and aluminium rich plains of south-western corner of Western Australia, from the ranges east of Perth down to Albany. They are slow growing, their roots often reaching to great depths in search of nutrients and water. Their long, straight trunks, can grow up to 40 metres tall and 2 metres in diameter, creating beautifully coloured and grained timbers.



Well, known for its versatility, it is seen in general building through to fine woodworking where it’s even texture and decorative qualities make it a favourite for craftsmen, furniture and cabinet makers and more importantly flooring. Jarrah presents itself in an inspiring range of colours from the palest yellow, orange, pink, through every shade of red to almost black making it perfect for flooring throughout the home.

Jarrah is regarded as one of the best all round hardwoods in the world. Growing straight and tall – old trees have been measured at 40 metres high with trunks 3 metres in diameter – it has an even grain, is termite and water resistant and famously durable.  It is so hard that conventional woodworking tools are useless unless it is worked fresh.



One of the best qualities of Jarrah is that it’s a durable timber that lasts for years with sufficient care. As a Class 2 graded wood, Jarrah has a predicted lifespan of around fifteen to twenty-five years if it’s located below ground. Above ground, the lifespan is approximately fifteen to forty years.

The grain tends to be interlocked or wavy with a medium to coarse texture. Some boards can contain gum pockets or streaks as a naturally occurring defect. Jarrah can also exhibit a curly figure. Jarrah is rated as very durable regarding decay resistance, and it is also quite resistant to insect attack.



Whether you choose Jarrah for a particular room in the house or right throughout the living areas, it’s sure to give that wow-factor.

Whatever your flooring requirements – call the experts. Beaches Timber Floors can work closely with you to achieve the look and feel you are wanting for your home. Reach out to us today for a free measure and quote on 0401 184 444 or email